“art. 13 D. Lgs. 196/2003”
We want to inform Yuo that the D.L. 196/2003 provides for people defence as regard to
personal data. Your personale and register data we have, or that You are going to give us, are
treated by the Estate Agent’s Covini s.n.c., in Massa, Ronchi, 33 Ronchi Street, thanks to its legal
agent Annabella Covini, defined “The Owner”. This treatment will follow the principles of
onesty and clearness to defend Your reserve and Your right. So we comunicate to You what
- You date will be treated to satisfy the order concerning Your estate demands, book−keeping management and set of rules performance. Their file by cards and coupons; exchange of buying and sale and renting between Italian Foreign colleagues − dispatch of
commerciale communication, within the limits of ompetence of the treatment Owner.
Treatments will be done thanks to electronic and manual means. For described
treatments it’s important the knowledge and the memory informations whit regard to
register data, fiscal code, IVA, caculating data.
- The Owner state if You don’t communicate, or comunicate wronge data, these are the
a) the owmer’s impossibility to grant the consistence of the treatment to the
contractuale ties
b) The non corrispondence of the treatment results of the conditions ordered by the
fiscal and administrative rule
- As regard to art. 13 of the D.L. 196/2003 the Owner informs that received data can be given to banks or other estate agent’s. The communication will be done however granting Your rights ce and forbidding their communication or circolation without Your permission.
Your data won’t be given anybody without Your consent.
- You will be able to defende Your rights, as regard to art. 07 of the D.L. 196/2003, adressing
to the treatment Owner. You will be able to ask for the origin of personal data and their
comprehensible communication, the aims and the modality of the treatment, the logic
applied by electronic instruments, the revision, the integretion or the correction of data,
the annulment the anonymous transformation or the blockade of data treated violanting
- Your data will be kept in this estate agent’s during the time prescribed by civil laws and
in fiscal subjects. All concerned must know the information about the Owner’s